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metamorphosis is a synonym of change

noun [ met-uh-mawr-fuh-sis ]

metamorphosis is another word for change

✅ A change is a transformation, modification, or variation (They saw a change in his attitude).

✅ A metamorphosis is a complete change or transformation, especially one that seems like magic (She went through a metamorphosis after leaving school).

Change and metamorphosis have similar meanings, but change refers to smaller transformations, whereas metamorphosis refers to bigger, more complete transformations.

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self-respect is a synonym of pride

noun [ self ri-spekt ]

self-respect is another word for pride

Pride refers to a high opinion of your own dignity or importance (I have some pride, and I won’t be spoken to like that).

Self-respect refers to having respect, esteem, or regard for yourself (It’s important to have some self-respect).

✅ Having pride or self-respect suggests that you know your own worth and value and won’t allow yourself to be compromised or disrespected.

Pride can also refer to an unhealthy level of self-confidence or an exaggerated sense of what you deserve. In that sense, it’s different from self-respect, which is more neutral.

Work on your self-respect by writing a list of your good qualities with the help of Grammar Coach.

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present is a synonym of show

verb [ pri-zent ]

present is another word for show

Show means to exhibit or display something or otherwise cause something to be seen (Let me show you the way to the bathroom; I’m going to show my art at the gallery).

Present means to put on or exhibit something (We will present the new film next week).

Present and show both mean to cause something to be seen, but present suggests a higher level of formality or importance than show.

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