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menace is a synonym of threat

noun [ men-is ]

menace is another word for threat

Both words refer to someone or something that poses a danger to us. A threat in this sense is not the verbal warning (Is that a threat?), but something that jeopardizes, or could jeopardize, life, peace, health, or other desirable conditions currently intact: a threat to national security. Menace can be a strong synonym for threat, when the harm is imminent or even already occurring, as with the menace of crime, corruption, pollution, and stray dogs.The difference in meaning can be seen in the verbs that typically precede each word. We want to eliminate a threat before the harm comes to pass, but a menace already has a troubling presence we tackle, curb, deal with, or eradicate. Gang culture is a threat to the community, whereas the presence of gangs has become or is a menace.

Commonly found as

menace + crime
One neighborhood’s approach to dealing with the menace presented by drug-related crime has been hailed as a model for communities across the nation.
become a menace
Feral cats have become a menace in Australia, where they are estimated to kill as many as 75 million native mammals, reptiles, and birds each day.

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macabre is a synonym of gruesome

adjective [ muh-kah-bruh, -kahb, -kah-ber ]

macabre is another word for gruesome

Both words refer to something horrifying and repellent—especially acts and images of violence and death, with no gore spared. Gruesome comes from a Germanic word for “shudder.” It suggests something graphic that evokes a visceral response. Macabre is a strong synonym for gruesome: a gruesome murder could also be described as macabre murder. However, macabre tends to describe things less tangible than gore, like an atmosphere, a mood, or an artistic or literary representation of something horrible. We can compare these typical uses: gruesome photos and gruesome video; macabre tale and macabre movie. Macabre is frequently paired with dark, bizarre, strange, and grotesque.

Commonly found as

macabre scene
What kind of wax museum has macabre scenes like this? They even depicted the Romanov family minutes after they were all assassinated!
bizarre + macabre
It’s the bizarre and macabre captions that make this cartoonist’s work so memorable.

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subterfuge is a synonym of deception

noun [ suhb-ter-fyooj ]

subterfuge is another word for deception

Both words refer to the act of misleading, tricking, or deceiving someone, usually for one’s own advantage or gain. Deception is the broader term, covering all ways of misleading people, from false appearances to lies: deception in advertising. Subterfuge is a category of deception that involves the use of cunning tricks or stratagems in order to get away with something. Subterfuge emphasizes the tricks themselves, particularly tricks that (like a smoke screen) hide or disguise what is actually going on: Going out would require subterfuge, so I set my music player to start one hour after I’d slipped out through my bedroom window. Politics, not espionage, is by far the most frequent context for subterfuge.

Commonly found as

use subterfuge
The Allied Forces used subterfuge on a vast scale, including the creation of fake armies, to hide their plans to invade Normandy from the Germans.
political subterfuge
The senator telling the president that he had the votes was mere political subterfuge.

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