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mediocre is a synonym of so-so

adjective [ mee-dee-oh-ker ]

mediocre is another word for so-so

Something that’s so-so is neither very good nor very bad. If you go to a concert and report back that it was so-so, it means that you neither loved nor loathed the show. Rather, it was okay. Mediocre is another way to describe things that are middling or average. Though keep in mind, that describing something as average is, generally speaking, not exactly a glowing review! While this adjective appears on paper to be neutral, in most applications, mediocre suggests at best mere adequacy, as in a car that gets mediocre mileage, or at worst inferiority or poor quality: Mediocre construction makes that building dangerous.

Commonly found as

mediocre performance
The theater reviewer said that the cast gave a mediocre performance on opening night.
mediocre at best
Earnings for the first half of the year were mediocre at best; the new CEO would have to make some changes to bolster confidence among investors. 

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pandemonium is a synonym of chaos

noun [ pan-duh-moh-nee-uhm ]

pandemonium is another word for chaos

The noun chaos is defined as “a state of utter confusion and disorder.” It is applied to a broad range of situations that lack organization. For example, a virtual work meeting wherein everyone talks over each other and there is no agenda laid out might be described as chaos. Or, on a larger and more serious scale, a poorly managed response to a disaster wherein nobody knows how to get the help they need might be described as chaos. The synonym pandemonium suggests unrestrained disorder marked by panic, uproar, and tumult. This noun, from Pandæmonium, the capital of the underworld in Milton’s Paradise Lost, burns a little hotter, so to speak. Pandemonium implies not just disorder, but also noisy, wild, and possibly even violent activity.

Commonly found as

pandemonium + ensue
Pandemonium ensued after the referee's game-ending call; angry fans began howling and making their way toward the field. 
panic and pandemonium
The opening scene of the zombie movie was one of panic and pandemonium as people fled the once-thriving city to escape the undead.

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perturb is a synonym of disturb

verb [ per-turb ]

perturb is another word for disturb

Perturb is a synonym of disturb, but, like most synonyms, the two terms are not exactly interchangeable. Disturb is the more common verb of the two, and it is often used to mean “to interrupt,” as in, Please don’t disturb me when I’m working, or, He kept the TV volume low because he didn’t want to disturb his wife’s nap. Perturb implies more agitation and sometimes annoyance or frustration. The careless actions or insensitive words of a person might perturb someone more attuned to their surroundings. Perturb has a distinct meaning in astronomy, where it means "to cause deviation of a celestial body from a regular orbit," as by the presence of one or more other bodies. This celestial disturbance is called perturbation.

Commonly found as

perturbed + little
The customer's rude comments perturbed him a little, but the barista kept calm and focused on the task at hand.
seem to perturb
The screech owl’s shrill calls seemed to perturb the horses, who jostled and paced in their stalls. 

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