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malinger is a synonym of shirk

verb [ muh-ling-ger ]

malinger is another word for shirk

Shirk means to avoid or neglect a responsibility (He tried to shirk his duties by pretending to be busy).

Malinger refers to pretending to be ill or injured to avoid work (They were suspected of malingering to avoid a tough assignment).

✅ Both terms involve evading duties or responsibilities.

Shirk is more about avoiding tasks, while malinger specifically involves feigning illness or injury (We shirked our cleaning duties, opting to swim in the pool instead; I malingered, saying I had a foot injury, and stayed home for a few days).

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foremost is a synonym of supreme

adjective [ fawr-mohst ]

foremost is another word for supreme

Supreme means highest in rank or authority (The court made a supreme decision on the matter).

Foremost refers to being the most important or leading in position (She is the foremost expert in her field).

✅ Both words describe the top or most important position.

Supreme often implies ultimate authority or dominance, while foremost indicates leading in importance or prominence (The supreme ruler had absolute control; The foremost leader in the research field was widely respected).

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fragrance is a synonym of aroma

noun [ frey-gruhns ]

fragrance is another word for aroma

Aroma refers to a distinctive, often pleasant smell (The aroma of freshly baked bread filled the house).

Fragrance is a sweet or pleasant smell, often used in relation to perfumes or flowers (She wore a fragrance that reminded me of summer).

✅ Both terms describe pleasing smells.

Aroma is often used for the smell of food and cooking, while fragrance is commonly associated with perfumes and flowers (The aroma of the roast was irresistible; The fragrance of the roses was delightful).

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