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languish is a synonym of wither

verb [ lang-gwish ]

languish is another word for wither

Wither means to dry up, shrivel, or decline in vitality (The plants began to wither in the drought).

Languish means to suffer or weaken from neglect or hardship (The project languished due to lack of funding).

✅ Both terms describe a decline or deterioration.

Wither often refers to physical or visible decline, while languish can be used for both physical and abstract suffering (The withered leaves fell from the tree; The languishing business struggled to stay afloat).

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alloy is a synonym of mixture

noun [ al-oi ]

alloy is another word for mixture

Mixture refers to a combination of different substances or elements (The recipe called for a mixture of herbs and spices).

Alloy is a specific type of mixture of metals, combined to achieve desired properties (Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin).

✅ Both terms involve combining elements, but they are generally used in different contexts.

Mixture is used more broadly for various combinations, while alloy specifically refers to metal combinations (The mixture of flour and sugar was baked; The alloy improved the metal's strength).

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sodden is a synonym of soggy

adjective [ sod-n ]

sodden is another word for soggy

Soggy means wet or soaked (The ground was soggy after the rain).

Sodden refers to something thoroughly soaked, often to the point of being heavy (Her clothes were sodden from the downpour).

✅ Both terms describe something that is very wet.

Soggy is used for things like food or soil, while sodden often conveys a more thorough soaking and can describe objects or conditions (The soggy cereal was unappetizing; The sodden logs were difficult to lift).

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