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infirmary is a synonym of hospital

noun [ in-fur-muh-ree ]

infirmary is another word for hospital

✅ A hospital is a large medical facility where people receive treatment for illnesses and injuries (He was admitted to the hospital after the accident).

✅ An infirmary is a smaller medical facility, often within an institution or school (The infirmary treated minor injuries and illnesses).

✅ Both terms refer to places where medical care is provided.

✅ A hospital is used for large, comprehensive medical centers, while infirmary is typically used for smaller, often institutional facilities such as military bases, universities, monasteries, and prisons.

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testify is a synonym of swear

verb [ tes-tuh-fahy ]

testify is another word for swear

✅ To swear means to make a solemn declaration or affirmation, often under oath (He swore to tell the truth in court).

✅ To testify means to give evidence or bear witness in a formal setting (She was called to testify about what she saw).

✅ Both terms involve making statements under oath or in legal contexts.

Swear can be used in a broader range of formal affirmations, while testify specifically refers to giving evidence in legal situations (The judge swore to uphold the law; I testified during the trial).

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menagerie is a synonym of zoo

noun [ muh-nazh-uh-ree ]

menagerie is another word for zoo

✅ A zoo refers to a facility where animals are kept for public viewing and conservation (We visited the zoo to see the lions).

✅ A menagerie refers to a collection of wild or unusual animals, often kept privately (The collector had a menagerie of exotic pets).

✅ Both terms describe collections of animals.

Zoo is used for public and often larger collections, while menagerie can refer to smaller or private collections (The zoo had a wide range of animals; The menagerie included rare creatures like pangolins and black rhinos).

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