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imperious is a synonym of haughty

adjective [ im-peer-ee-uhs ]

imperious is another word for haughty

Haughty means snobby, disdainfully proud, or particularly arrogant in a scornful way (a haughty princess).

Imperious means overbearing, dictatorial, and domineering (an imperious manager).

Haughty is a general attitude one might have. Imperious is an attitude a person might have when they have some sort of power over you, or when they’re telling you what to do (He’s been very haughty since he inherited a fortune; She’s imperious with everyone she manages).

Haughty and imperious both have negative connotations.

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cosset is a synonym of spoil

verb [ kos-it ]

cosset is another word for spoil

Spoil means to harm or damage someone through unwise treatment, especially through indulging them too much (They spoiled their grandkids).

Cosset means to pamper or coddle, especially in the sense of treating someone or something like a pet (She cosseted her little sister).

Spoil and cosset mean similar but distinct things. They both suggest overindulging a person or pet.

✅ However, spoil suggests being overly indulgent of someone’s wants and desires, whereas cosset suggests indulging them regardless of their own desires (You’ll spoil that child if you don’t let them try to solve their own problems; He had a tendency to cosset his best customers).

Write about an animal you might cosset if you had the chance with the help of Grammar Coach.

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fractious is a synonym of recalcitrant

adjective [ frak-shuhs ]

fractious is another word for recalcitrant

Recalcitrant means not obedient or compliant, or resisting authority or control (a recalcitrant teenager who broke the rules on purpose).

Fractious means unruly and hard to manage or control (a fractious group of bullies).

Fractious and recalcitrant have similar meanings. Both of them describe things that are hard to manage or disobedient.

✅ However, fractious emphasizes unruliness, whereas recalcitrant emphasizes a lack of obedience or respect for authority.

Describe a fractious debate with the help of these synonyms.

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