✅ Grease refers to fatty or oily substances, especially in a general sense (My gloves were covered in grease).
✅ Grunge refers to dirt or filth (There was a lot of grunge built up on the kitchen tiles).
✅ Both words refer to substances that make something dirty. Grunge is a more general term, whereas grease is more specific.
✅ Plunge means to cast into something with force. It can refer to objects or to yourself (The cat plunged into the undergrowth).
✅ Dive means to descend or plunge through the air or into something (dive into the water).
✅ Plunge and dive both mean to suddenly become immersed in something or to do something in a way that suggests becoming immersed.
✅ You can plunge an object into something else (I plunged my spoon into the ice cream) but using dive the same way is less common (I dove my hand into my bag as soon as I heard the phone ring).
✅ Stumble means to walk unsteadily, especially in a way that suggests you might fall (She stumbled across the room).
✅ Bumble means to stumble or stagger in a way that suggests clumsiness or awkwardness (The toddler bumbled through the garden).
✅ Bumble can also mean to muddle or go through life in an aimless or clumsy way (She bumbled through the interview process).
✅ Stumble can also mean to get through something while having made a lot of mistakes (They stumbled through the presentation).