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fragrance is a synonym of aroma

noun [ frey-gruhns ]

fragrance is another word for aroma

Aroma refers to a distinctive, often pleasant smell (The aroma of freshly baked bread filled the house).

Fragrance is a sweet or pleasant smell, often used in relation to perfumes or flowers (She wore a fragrance that reminded me of summer).

✅ Both terms describe pleasing smells.

Aroma is often used for the smell of food and cooking, while fragrance is commonly associated with perfumes and flowers (The aroma of the roast was irresistible; The fragrance of the roses was delightful).

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hallowed is a synonym of sacred

adjective [ hal-ohd ]

hallowed is another word for sacred

Sacred means regarded with great respect or reverence, often due to religious significance (The temple is considered a sacred site). 

Hallowed means honored as holy or greatly revered, often through tradition (The hallowed grounds of the battlefield are preserved with respect). 

✅ Both words describe something held in high respect or reverence. 

Sacred is frequently used in religious or spiritual contexts, while hallowed is often associated with solemn, respectful honor (The sacred text was treated with care; The hallowed tradition was celebrated every year).

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needle is a synonym of bug

verb [ need-l ]

needle is another word for bug

✅ To bug someone refers to annoying someone as a small insect often does (He kept bugging me about getting a haircut). 

✅ To needle someone is also to annoy them but in a way that is much more obnoxious or hurtful (The minor insults and jabs really needled her). 

✅ Both words denote bothering or upsetting someone.

✅ To bug someone is often to keep asking them to do something in a really annoying, pesky sort of way, while to needle someone is to provoke or annoy them by criticizing or insulting them, often in a way that really gets under their skin.

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