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finicky is a synonym of fussy

adjective [ fin-i-kee ]

finicky is another word for fussy

Fussy and finicky can both be used to describe someone who is so picky or particular that they’re hard to satisfy. A child with highly selective eating habits will be called a fussy eater or a finicky eater, without any difference in meaning. But in general, finicky is a more precise term than fussy, which has several different meanings. A fussy customer may make sure all twenty-nine dollar bills go in the same direction before he hands them to you and want his receipt stapled to the bag, or he may not like any of the ties you show him. Finicky suggests someone who has (or affects) excessively discriminating tastes and standards (finicky customers with finicky tastes), perhaps as a sign of superiority. Finicky objects turn the tables on consumers; they demand excessive carefulness or constant adjustment: finicky controls, a finicky touchpad.

Commonly found as

finicky controls
Many reviews of the game console complain that the finicky controls make gameplay frustrating.
finicky eater
One of my cats will eat anything except raw vegetables, while the other is such a finicky eater she’ll eat only boiled chicken and some days not even that.

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gibberish is a synonym of nonsense

noun [ jib-er-ish, gib- ]

gibberish is another word for nonsense

Nonsense and gibberish are both terms for speech or writing that makes no sense. Nonsense suggests a lack of meaning or logic, while gibberish is completely unintelligible speech or writing that may not even be in a language. Someone speaking in tongues, or simply in a language you don’t know, may as well be speaking gibberish. Gibberish more commonly refers to speech, deriving as it does from the verb “to gibber,” which means to speak inarticulately or meaninglessly, but it is also used of writing that is so full of obscure terms or jargon that it is impenetrable.

Commonly found as

speak gibberish
If your computer lags during a video call, your colleagues may sound like robots speaking gibberish.
spout gibberish
Later we laughed about it, but at the time it was terrifying when my brother’s fever got so high that he began to spout gibberish.

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terminate is a synonym of end

verb [ tur-muh-neyt ]

terminate is another word for end

To end is to cease something or to come to a conclusion. Stories end, days end, and lives end. The things themselves, in these examples, have intrinsic beginnings and endings, and to end is a natural, organic outcome. Terminate suggests an immediate or abrupt stop imposed upon something, often by impersonal forces. It has a more official and technical feel. A contract, agreement, or license may be terminated before its expiration date. A judge may rule to terminate parental rights. To cap it all off, two extended senses of terminate have emerged: terminating someone can either mean to fire them or to assassinate them.

Commonly found as

terminate a contract
We don’t relish the thought of terminating the contract, but your company has violated the terms of our agreement more than once.
terminate immediately
The company terminated the senior-level employee almost immediately after his interview was published.

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