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enlighten is a synonym of inform

verb [ en-lahyt-n ]

enlighten is another word for inform

Inform means to give someone facts or information (Please inform the team about the changes). 

Enlighten refers to giving someone greater knowledge or understanding about a subject (The lecture enlightened the audience about the new technology). 

✅ Both words involve providing information, understanding, or knowledge of something.

Inform is used for supplying basic or essential information, while enlighten suggests a deeper, more comprehensive understanding (She informed me of the meeting time; He enlightened us about the significance of prehistoric art).

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courier is a synonym of messenger

noun [ kur-ee-er ]

courier is another word for messenger

✅ A messenger refers to a person who carries a message or communication (The messenger delivered the note quickly). 

✅ A courier is a person or service that transports messages, packages, or mail, often rapidly and securely (The courier service guaranteed next-day delivery). 

✅ Both words describe someone who delivers messages or goods. 

Messenger is often used for simple message delivery, while courier implies a more professional or official service, often for transporting items securely (The king's messenger brought news from the battlefield; The courier delivered the documents safely).

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annihilate is a synonym of destroy

verb [ uh-nahy-uh-leyt ]

annihilate is another word for destroy

Destroy means to damage something so severely that it no longer exists or functions (The storm will destroy the old barn). 

Annihilate implies complete destruction or obliteration, often to the point of non-existence (The army was annihilated by the enemy forces). 

✅ Both words describe the act of causing complete ruin. 

Destroy can be used in everyday contexts to describe various levels of damage, while annihilate suggests a total and utter destruction (The kids accidentally destroyed the model plane; The asteroid could annihilate all life on Earth).

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