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eclipse is a synonym of obscure

verb [ ih-klips ]

eclipse is another word for obscure

Obscure means to conceal something or make it dark or dim (The low light obscured their faces; She worked hard to obscure her motives).

Eclipse means to hide one thing with something else, such as during a solar eclipse, or to make something seem dim by comparison (The violinist eclipsed everyone’s performance; The moon eclipsed the sun).

✅ Both of these terms mean to conceal something or to make something else seem less bright.

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attend is a synonym of nurse

verb [ uh-tend ]

attend is another word for nurse

Nurse means to look after someone carefully (I nursed my friend through their illness).

Attend means to take care of and devote yourself to someone (The doctor attended her every day).

✅ Both of these words mean to take care of someone, but they can also mean to look after something, like your health or your finances (I carefully nursed my savings; I attended my own boundaries).

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escapade is a synonym of caper

noun [ es-kuh-peyd, es-kuh-peyd ]

escapade is another word for caper

✅ A caper is a lighthearted or frivolous activity, often a prank or an episode of silliness (We had to put a stop to her candy hiding capers).

✅ An escapade is a prank or generally reckless but lighthearted activity (Their youthful escapades were famous all over town).

✅ Both of these terms often refer to a childish or silly activity.

Caper and escapade can also refer to illegal acts, but in a more lighthearted way (After that escapade with my cousins, I thought it best to lay low; I was reading about a caper committed by a cat burglar).

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