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adverb [ dis-pash-uh-nit-lee ]

dispassionately is another word for objectively

✅ To do something objectively means to do it in a way that isn’t influenced by your personal feelings (We need someone who can look at the problem objectively).

✅ To do something dispassionately means to do it in an impartial or calm way, without passion or feeling (The clerk responded dispassionately to her complaint).

Objectively and dispassionately both mean to do something in an impartial way.

Objectively strongly suggests impartiality and balance, whereas dispassionately suggests a lack of engagement or care.

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magnetic is a synonym of charismatic

adjective [ mag-net-ik ]

magnetic is another word for charismatic

Charismatic refers to having charisma, a personal quality that allows someone to have influence over or charm others (a charismatic lead singer).

Magnetic refers to having the power to attract or charm people (a magnetic salesperson).

Charismatic and magnetic both describe people who are charming.

Charismatic can suggest having power over people because of charm (They loved listening to him because he was so charismatic), while magnetic suggests a power of attraction that is irresistible (her magnetic stage presence).

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discretion is a synonym of diplomacy

noun [ dih-skresh-uhn ]

discretion is another word for diplomacy

Diplomacy refers to the skill of managing and negotiating with people so that there is no ill will between them (It took a lot of diplomacy to get everyone to agree).

Discretion refers to the skill or quality of protecting people’s privacy and staying quiet regarding embarrassing or politically delicate matters (The secretary showed discretion by not revealing the boss’s secrets).

Discretion is often an important aspect of diplomacy, as it helps to build trust, which is key to successfully negotiating with or managing people.

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