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digit is a synonym of finger

noun [ dij-it ]

digit is another word for finger

✅ A finger is one of the four (or five, if you count the thumb) slender parts of a hand (He pointed with his index finger).

✅ A digit can be a finger, thumb, or toe (I stubbed my digit, the big toe).

✅ Both words refer to body parts that are extremities.

✅ A finger is only used for extremities of the hands. Digit is a broader term that includes fingers and toes.

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supplant is a synonym of overthrow

verb [ suh-plant ]

supplant is another word for overthrow

Overthrow means to remove someone from power, typically by force (The rebels aimed to overthrow the government).

Supplant means to replace or take the place of someone or something, often by force or strategy (New technology has supplanted older methods).

✅ Both words describe the act of taking over or replacing.

Overthrow implies a forceful removal, while supplant suggests a more strategic or gradual replacement (They planned to overthrow the dictator; The smartphone has supplanted the old flip phone).

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jocular is a synonym of funny

adjective [ jok-yuh-ler ]

jocular is another word for funny

Funny means causing laughter or amusement (That joke was really funny).

Jocular means characterized by joking or being playful (His jocular manner made everyone feel at ease).

✅ Both words describe something related to humor.

Funny is more commonly used in everyday language, while jocular often describes a person’s humorous demeanor (She told a funny story; Your jocular personality is infectious).

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