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delicate is a synonym of fragile

adjective [ del-i-kit ]

delicate is another word for fragile

Fragile describes something that is easily broken or damaged. It can also describe people who appear vulnerable (a fragile plate; I felt fragile after my bad day).

Delicate describes things that are easily broken and people who are physically weak and frail (His health was delicate; a delicate fabric that was easy to tear).

✅ When referring to things, fragile emphasizes a lack of strength in the object, while delicate can be used for finely built items.

✅  When describing people, delicate refers to physical health or strength, whereas fragile more often refers to mental health and strength.

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clutch is a synonym of grasp

verb [ kluhch ]

clutch is another word for grasp

Grasp means to hold something firmly (I grasped the handle).

Clutch means to hold something tightly (I clutched her hand as we rode the rollercoaster).

Grasp suggests a firm and secure, but not tight, hold. Grasp also often suggests a reassuring or comforting hold (My father grasped my hand to stop it from shaking).

Clutch suggests a tight, even overly tight, hold, often due to emotions like anxiety or fear (He clutched my hand as we walked through the dark room).

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felicitous is a synonym of opportune

adjective [ fi-lis-i-tuhs ]

felicitous is another word for opportune

Opportune means suitable or appropriate, often in regard to timing (an opportune remark).

Felicitous means fitting, apt, or appropriate (You brought me a coffee at a felicitous moment).

✅ These words have very similar meanings, but they have different connotations.

Felicitous suggests some element of luck or chance, whereas opportune suggests timeliness in a way that doesn’t rely on chance (a felicitous change in the weather; The note came at an opportune time).

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