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delectable is a synonym of appetizing

adjective [ dih-lek-tuh-buhl ]

delectable is another word for appetizing

You don’t need to sink your teeth into a beautiful wax peach to get the difference between appetizing and delectable. Appetizing food appeals to or stimulates the appetite, so food can have an appetizing smell or appearance, or be described in an appetizing way. People may remark that your strawberry soup looks delectable, but strictly speaking, they have to try it before declaring it to be so, because delectable means delightful to the taste, or delicious. Not surprisingly, you’ll most often find this adjective describing things to eat: delectable desserts, a delectable morsel, delectable fruit, a delectable feast.

Commonly found as

delectable dessert(s)
Even after a big meal, I can always finish one of this restaurant’s delectable desserts.
enjoy + delectable
The billboard encouraged drivers to exit the freeway and enjoy a delectable slice of homemade peach pie at the diner.

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gamut is a synonym of spectrum

noun [ gam-uht ]

gamut is another word for spectrum

The nouns spectrum and gamut both refer to a broad range of similar things arranged along a scale, but there are significant degrees of difference between them. The scientific meanings of spectrum carry over to its general usage, where emphasis is on the overlap and hence continuity between items on or along the spectrum. A spectrum is often contrasted with an either-or conception of something. In a spectrum of political beliefs, for example, liberals and conservatives are on the same continuum. Gamut, as suggested by the common phrase the whole gamut, emphasizes the comprehensiveness of a range and hence the variety or contrast encompassed by it: Love involves the whole gamut of emotions, from despair to joy. Of just about any set of wide-ranging and varied things (reactions to a movie, a dessert menu) we can say it runs (or covers or spans) the gamut.

Commonly found as

run the gamut
The styles on display at this nightclub run the gamut from grunge to steampunk.
the whole/entire gamut
The controversial novel provoked the whole gamut of reactions, from violent opposition to fanatical devotion.

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fleeting is a synonym of brief

adjective [ flee-ting ]

fleeting is another word for brief

The adjectives brief and fleeting describe things of short duration. Used of events, brief can simply mean lasting a short time: a brief period, a brief meeting, a brief hello. Applied to speech and writing, brief suggests concise and effective: a brief introduction, a brief summary. Fleeting is used of things that pass quickly, with the suggestion that they escape our grasp or are over too soon: the fleeting pleasures of youth, fleeting fame, a fleeting thought, a fleeting glimpse. Fleeting can imply a poetic poignancy, but also fickleness, as in fleeting loyalties.

Commonly found as

fleeting moment(s)
The photographer captured a fleeting moment of human connection on the teeming streets of the metropolis.
catch a fleeting glimpse
After patiently returning to their observation point every day for weeks, they finally caught a fleeting glimpse of the rare butterfly.

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