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curtsy is a synonym of bow

noun [ kurt-see ]

curtsy is another word for bow

✅ A bow is a movement of bending at the waist or head in order to show respect, acknowledgement, thanks, or similar (I thanked him with a bow).

✅ A curtsy is a specific type of bow, involving bending the knees in a dip and sweeping a foot behind while maintaining a straight back (You must learn how to perform a curtsy at the beginning of the dance). If one is wearing a skirt, then the sides may be pulled away from the body during the dip of a curtsy.

Curtsy and bow differ in motion but also in intention—a curtsy is traditionally performed to show respect or reverence in the presence of royalty.

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ambuscade is a synonym of ambush

noun [ am-buh-skeyd ]

ambuscade is another word for ambush

Ambush refers to the act of lying in wait and attacking unexpectedly. It can be literal or figurative (I thought I was ready for that question but they caught me in an ambush).

✅ An ambuscade is the same as an ambush (We plotted an ambuscade to capture Robin Hood’s men), but it is not as common.

✅ The word ambush has been used in English for longer than ambuscade, but ambuscade sounds more old-fashioned and is more formal.

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pasture is a synonym of meadow

noun [ pas-cher, pahs- ]

pasture is another word for meadow

✅ A meadow is an area of grassland that livestock can graze on or that can be used to grow hay (We camped in a beautiful meadow).

✅ A pasture is also an area of grassland that livestock can graze on (There were six sheep in the pasture).

Meadow, however, can refer to any field of grass or wildflowers, whether or not animals graze on it, whereas pasture particularly implies the presence of livestock.

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