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court is a synonym of bench

noun [ kawrt ]

court is another word for bench

✅ The bench is a term used to refer, colloquially, to a judge or the judiciary (The bench decided to set a precedent in the case).

✅ The court is a term used to refer to the place where justice is conducted or to a body of judges who can administer justice (I had to face the court).

✅ These are both terms that refer to judges in the process of hearing cases.

Bench is a more informal term, whereas court is a more official term.

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gainsay is a synonym of contravene

verb [ geyn-sey, geyn-sey ]

gainsay is another word for contravene

Contravene means to go against, deny, or oppose (I was forced to contravene his instructions).

Gainsay means to oppose, dispute, or contradict (It’s not my place to gainsay the argument).

✅ These two words have similar meanings. They both mean to oppose or deny something, usually a statement (The new spokesperson directly contravened the previous announcement; She made a declaration that could not be gainsaid).

Gainsay comes from Middle English and is rare in modern English, whereas contravene comes from Latin and is used often in legal matters.

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adjective [ kuh-lahy-duh-skop-ik ]

kaleidoscopic is another word for polychromatic

Polychromatic means that something has a lot of colors (The polychromatic display was a feast for the senses).

Kaleidoscopic means that something changes color, pattern, and shape in a rhythmic or swirling way (The rainbow window decorations made kaleidoscopic patterns on the wall).

✅ Both of these words can describe things that have many different colors.

✅ However, kaleidoscopic also suggests lots of different moving patterns and shapes.

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