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corroborate is a synonym of confirm

verb [ kuh-rob-uh-reyt ]

corroborate is another word for confirm

To corroborate something is to make more certain of it with evidence. In a courtroom, witnesses might be called to corroborate a story put forth by a defendant. Early findings in scientific research might be corroborated by additional scholarly work or laboratory results. More broadly, corroborate means “to strengthen”—and since this term's debut in English in the first half of the 16th century, it has been used to refer to strengthening or reinforcing things materially, to strengthening the health of things or people, and to strengthening a claim or statement.

Commonly found as

corroborate + story
His friends corroborated his story that he was far from the birthday cake when it got destroyed.
evidence to corroborate
The insurance company needed more evidence to corroborate her claim of not being at fault for the accident.

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hackneyed is a synonym of stale

adjective [ hak-need ]

hackneyed is another word for stale

Something that is stale has lost freshness (a stale slice of bread) or has lost novelty or interest (a stale joke). That crusty old joke may also be described as hackneyed. Something that is hackneyed is commonplace or trite and worn out by overuse. This term is especially used of words, remarks, or styles of expression that are clichéd to the point of seeming lifeless and uninteresting. So synonym seekers beware: while it may be tempting to slather this adjective on a piece of stale bread, hackneyed simply doesn't make sense as a descriptor for brittle day-old baked goods!

Commonly found as

hackneyed phrase
In response to the reporter's earnest and important question, the lawyer muttered a hackneyed phrase: "It is what it is."
tired + hackneyed
Everyone saw her derogatory remarks about young people for what they were: tired and hackneyed stereotypes.

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donate is a synonym of give

verb [ doh-neyt, doh-neyt ]

donate is another word for give

The verb donate is more specific than give. You can give your payment information to a website or give advice to a friend, but the verb donate instantly suggests supporting a cause or offering help to those in need. To donate something is to present it as a gift, grant, or contribution. This generous verb can be used with or without an object (you can donate clothes or donate to the Red Cross), and is particular to American English.

Commonly found as

donate money
On Giving Tuesday, she donated a large sum of money to the local food bank.
donate or volunteer
The nonprofit put out a newsletter encouraging anyone interested in the cause to donate or volunteer, noting that both forms of help would go a long way.

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