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constrain is a synonym of confine

verb [ kuhn-streyn ]

constrain is another word for confine

Confine means to limit or restrict (I confined myself to only three Halloween decorations per room).

Constrain means to restrain, limit, or repress (I felt constrained by the budget).

Confine means to purposely restrict something, especially in order to focus or to do something well (I confined the scope of my essay so that I could explore more nuances).

Constrain means to restrict the growth of something or limit it (The plant was constrained by the size of the pot).

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vital is a synonym of crucial

adjective [ vahyt-l ]

vital is another word for crucial

Crucial describes something extremely important (a crucial piece of the puzzle).

Vital describes something indispensable, necessary, or important (He provided a vital piece of information).

Vital comes from the Latin word for "life," suggesting things that are necessary for life, literally or metaphorically (Time at the seashore is vital for my well-being).

Crucial often suggests that something is key to a future direction or outcome (The first two steps in baking bread are the most crucial).

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tarry is a synonym of linger

verb [ tar-ee ]

tarry is another word for linger

Linger means to remain longer than expected (The smell of pumpkin pie lingered; We lingered in the coffee shop so long that we were almost late).

Tarry means to delay, linger, or loiter (We tarried over the spooky displays).

Linger and tarry both mean to be in a place longer than expected.

Tarry suggests delaying something or causing yourself to be late by being in that place so long. Linger doesn’t necessarily suggest any reason for the delay.

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