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complement is a synonym of accompany

verb [ kom-pluh-ment ]

complement is another word for accompany

Accompany means to go along with or be present with someone or something (She will accompany her friend to the event).

Complement refers to something that completes or enhances another thing (The wine perfectly complemented the cheese).

✅ Both words describe how one thing interacts with or supports another.

✅ To accompany is to be there in a supporting role, while to complement is to enhance or complete something to a most satisfying level (The musician accompanied the singer; This emerald shirt complements your green eyes).

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accredited is a synonym of authorized

adjective [ uh-kred-i-tid ]

accredited is another word for authorized

Authorized means officially permitted or approved (They were authorized to access the secure area).

Accredited means officially recognized or certified, often by a professional body (The university is accredited by the national board).

✅ Both terms involve official recognition or permission.

Authorized refers to being given permission, while accredited implies formal certification or recognition (I was authorized to make important decisions; She’s an accredited medical practitioner).

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adversary is a synonym of rival

noun [ ad-ver-ser-ee ]

adversary is another word for rival

Rival refers to someone competing for the same goal or position (The two companies are fierce rivals in the tech industry).

Adversary denotes an opponent or enemy in a conflict or competition (The lawyer faced a tough adversary in court).

✅ Both terms describe opponents or competitors.

Rival is often used in contexts of competition, while adversary can imply a more antagonistic relationship (The rivals competed for the championship; Attila the Hun was a brutal adversary of the Romans).

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