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canvass is a synonym of survey

verb [ kan-vuhs ]

canvass is another word for survey

✅ To survey is to ask people about their opinions or experiences about a particular thing (They surveyed people to determine which ice cream flavor was the tastiest).

✅ To canvass means to solicit votes, opinions, or orders from a group of people (They canvassed the neighborhood to gain support for their favorite city council candidate).

✅ Both words can involve examining or collecting information.

Survey is often used for observations and studies, while canvass is typically used in the context of elections or gathering opinions (They conducted a survey of customer satisfaction; They canvassed voters before the election).

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wraith is a synonym of ghost

noun [ reyth ]

wraith is another word for ghost

Ghost means the spirit of a dead person that is believed to appear to the living (She felt a chill and thought she saw a ghost).

Wraith means a ghost or ghostlike image of someone, especially one seen shortly before or after their death (The wraith of the old man haunted the castle).

✅ Both words refer to supernatural apparitions of the dead.

Ghosts are often tied to unfinished business or lingering emotions and can evoke a sense of mystery, fear, or melancholy. Wraiths have a more ominous and eerie reputation, often suggesting a darker, more foreboding presence. Wraiths are typically seen as more malevolent or haunting figures compared to general ghosts.

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perspicacious is a synonym of perceptive

adjective [ pur-spi-key-shuhs ]

perspicacious is another word for perceptive

✅ A perceptive person has sensitive insight or understanding (The professor's perceptive comments revealed a deep understanding of the issue).

✅ A perspicacious person also has keen insight but goes a bit further to notice and understand things that are not always as obvious (The senator's perspicacious observations about the economy were impressive).

✅ Both words describe someone who is very good at noticing and understanding things.

Perceptive often implies a general sensitivity to details and emotions, while perspicacious suggests a sharper, deeper insight, often with an intellectual or analytical focus.

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