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brandish is a synonym of shake

verb [ bran-dish ]

brandish is another word for shake

Shake can mean to gesticulate with something (She shook her fist at the seagull that stole her lunch).

Brandish means to wave a weapon in a threatening way (They brandished foam swords at each other).

✅ In this sense, shake and brandish have basically the same meaning.

Shake, however, has a much more general meaning that brandish does not: to move something in short quick movements (Shake the bottle to mix the ingredients).

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precipitous is a synonym of steep

adjective [ pri-sip-i-tuhs ]

precipitous is another word for steep

Steep describes something that has an almost vertical slope or incline (a steep hill).

Precipitous describes something that is dangerously steep (a precipitous series of steps).

Steep and precipitous have very similar meanings with precipitous being a stronger, more intense word.

Steep is used for both climbs and descents, whereas precipitous more often refers to falls or declines (The roller coaster featured a precipitous drop).

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conspiratorial is a synonym of furtive

adjective [ kuhn-spir-uh-tawr-ee-uhl ]

conspiratorial is another word for furtive

Furtive describes something done secretly or with stealth or something that is shifty or sly (a furtive glance).

Conspiratorial describes something that suggests the presence of a shared secretive and often harmful plot (a series of conspiratorial texts).

Furtive and conspiratorial both describe things that give a sense of secrecy.

Conspiratorial describes an action between people, whereas furtive often describes the action of one person (a furtive attempt to replace a broken mug; They exchanged conspiratorial remarks).

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