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brainstorm is a synonym of plan

verb [ breyn-stawrm ]

brainstorm is another word for plan

Plan means to figure out how you’re going to do something before you do it, especially by setting out a method, system, or order (Let’s plan what we’re going to do next week).

Brainstorm means to generate ideas, especially in a group setting, in a spontaneous and nonlinear way (Let’s brainstorm some ideas for our friend’s birthday party).

Plan and brainstorm both refer to different ways of figuring something out, collecting ideas, and solving problems.

✅ However, these words are also opposites: plan suggests figuring something out ahead of time in an orderly way, whereas brainstorm suggests a more open process.

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gleam is a synonym of light

noun [ gleem ]

gleam is another word for light

Light refers to the illumination coming from a source such as a lantern, candle, or similar (The light of the candles made the room feel inviting).

Gleam refers to a flash or beam of light that comes from a source (We saw the gleam of a flashlight between the trees).

Light and gleam both refer to radiance from a certain source, but gleam suggests light that is intermittent or difficult to properly see, particularly because of movement or surrounding darkness.

Light has a much broader meaning than gleam.

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recollection is a synonym of memory

noun [ rek-uh-lek-shuhn ]

recollection is another word for memory

Memory refers to the act or power of retaining and then recalling a fact, event, or impression. It can also refer to something recalled or remembered (a good memory for facts).

Recollection refers to the act or power of bringing something back into your mind and can also refer to something brought back in this way (I have no recollection of that).

Memory and recollection mean essentially the same thing, though recollection is more formal and emphasizes the power of clearly remembering something in detail rather than the ability to simply remember it (Can you describe to us your recollection of the events?).

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