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bibliophile is a synonym of bookworm

noun [ bib-lee-uh-fahyl ]

bibliophile is another word for bookworm

✅ A bookworm is a person who is often reading or studying, especially someone who loves and enjoys books (I take a book with me everywhere, I’m such a bookworm).

✅ A bibliophile is a person who loves books, particularly a person who collects books (As a bibliophile, I like to find as many editions of my favorite books as I can).

Bookworm and bibliophile both refer to people who love books and reading.

Bookworm is a more informal word and can describe someone who loves or spends a lot of time studying rather than a person who reads for pleasure.

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cogent is a synonym of telling

adjective [ koh-juhnt ]

cogent is another word for telling

Telling describes something that is effective or striking (a telling analysis of the situation).

Cogent describes something that is incisive or convincing (a cogent point).

✅ Both words refer to things that are effective, particularly due to their incisive or forceful delivery.

Telling can also describe something that is revealing (a telling smile).

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spellbound is a synonym of captivated

adjective [ spel-bound ]

spellbound is another word for captivated

Captivated describes having your attention captured and held (a silent, captivated audience).

Spellbound describes being enchanted or fascinated, as if by a spell (I was left spellbound by the beautiful gowns).

✅ Both of these words refer to being fascinated or enchanted by something.

✅ Both also imply being so enchanted that it’s all you can focus on or think about.

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