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beam is a synonym of smile

verb [ beem ]

beam is another word for smile

Smile means to make an expression of joy or pleasure by turning up the corners of the mouth and sometimes crinkling the eyes (He had to smile as he watched a video of his cat).

Beam means to smile in a particularly happy or radiant way (They all beamed at the good news).

✅ Both of these terms mean to make an expression of happiness or joy, but smile can also involve an expression of scorn.

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craggy is a synonym of jagged

adjective [ krag-ee ]

craggy is another word for jagged

Jagged describes something that is uneven and rough, particularly with sharp edges (He tore the paper, leaving a jagged edge).

Craggy describes something rough and rugged (It was difficult to climb the craggy hillside).

✅ These terms are both often used to describe rocks or rocky environments (The jagged rocks were wet and slippery).

✅ When craggy is used to describe things other than a rocky environment, it suggests something reminiscent of such an environment (The ogre had a craggy face).

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modest is a synonym of humble

adjective [ mod-ist ]

modest is another word for humble

Humble describes someone who isn’t prideful or arrogant (He was humble and didn’t see himself as superior).

Modest describes someone who has a moderate estimation of themselves and isn’t vain or egotistical (He had a modest view of his accomplishments).

Humble and modest can be used to describe people who aren’t arrogant and don’t overstate their abilities (She was humble but sometimes too modest about her skills).

Humble and modest can also describe things that are unpretentious (a humble abode; a modest amount).

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