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auxiliary is a synonym of extra

adjective [ awg-zil-uh-ree ]

auxiliary is another word for extra

Extra refers to something additional or beyond what is usual or expected (She brought extra snacks for the road trip). 

Auxiliary describes something that provides supplementary support or help (The auxiliary engine was activated when the main one failed). 

✅ Both words indicate something additional to what is necessary. 

Extra is used in everyday contexts to describe anything more than usual, while auxiliary is often used in technical or formal contexts to describe supportive or backup elements (She needed extra time to finish the project; The auxiliary power supply kicked in during the blackout).

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inordinately is a synonym of extremely

adverb [ in-awr-dn-it-lee ]

inordinately is another word for extremely

Extremely means to a very great degree (She was extremely happy with her test results). 

Inordinately suggests an excessive or unusually high degree (The speech was inordinately long, making the audience restless). 

✅ Both words describe an intense level or degree of something. 

Extremely is commonly used in a wide range of contexts to emphasize high degrees, while inordinately implies an excessiveness that is beyond normal limits (The weather was extremely cold, with temperatures dropping below freezing; The cake was inordinately sweet, making it difficult to finish even a small slice).

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enlighten is a synonym of inform

verb [ en-lahyt-n ]

enlighten is another word for inform

Inform means to give someone facts or information (Please inform the team about the changes). 

Enlighten refers to giving someone greater knowledge or understanding about a subject (The lecture enlightened the audience about the new technology). 

✅ Both words involve providing information, understanding, or knowledge of something.

Inform is used for supplying basic or essential information, while enlighten suggests a deeper, more comprehensive understanding (She informed me of the meeting time; He enlightened us about the significance of prehistoric art).

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