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asylum is a synonym of shelter

noun [ uh-sahy-luhm ]

asylum is another word for shelter

✅ A shelter refers to a structure that offers temporary relief from weather or danger (We ran to the small shelter when it started pouring).
Asylum refers to a place like a city or country that offers protection or safety (Many people fleeing conflicts seek asylum in other countries).
✅ Both words imply a place of safety and refuge.
Asylum carries connotations of legal protection and sanctuary, often in a political or humanitarian context, unlike shelter, which can be more temporary (They sought shelter from the storm; The activist worked to secure asylum for refugees).

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unbiased is a synonym of fair

adjective [ uhn-bahy-uhst ]

unbiased is another word for fair

Fair means treating people equally and justly (The judge’s fair decision was applauded by the courtroom).
Unbiased means not showing favoritism or prejudice (The journalist strived to provide an unbiased report on the political events).
Both words refer to impartiality and equality in treatment.
Unbiased is often used in contexts requiring complete objectivity, while fair can also describe general conditions or appearances (The judge was fair in her ruling; The study aimed to be unbiased in its findings).

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occupation is a synonym of job

noun [ ok-yuh-pey-shuhn ]

occupation is another word for job

✅ A job is a regular activity performed in exchange for payment (I’ve had several jobs in the restaurant industry).
✅ An occupation is a person's principal work and involves a level of specialization (His occupation as a writer allowed him to work from home).
✅ Both words describe what a person does to earn money.
Occupation can imply a career or profession, while job often refers to a specific role or task (Eric's occupation is plumbing; last week he had a tough job where he had to unclog a nasty sink).

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