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allay is a synonym of calm

verb [ uh-ley ]

allay is another word for calm

Calm means to make someone quiet and free from disturbance or strong emotions (She took deep breaths to calm herself before the exam).

Allay means to reduce the intensity of something, such as fear or worry (The doctor’s reassurance helped allay his concerns about the surgery).

✅ These terms both describe reducing agitation or worry.

Calm is used more broadly to bring about a state of tranquility, while allay is specifically used to describe reducing fears or concerns (The serene music helped calm the baby; The spokesperson's explanation allayed the public's fears).

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paladin is a synonym of hero

noun [ pal-uh-din ]

paladin is another word for hero

✅ A hero is a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities (She became a hero in her community by saving the children from the fire).

✅ A paladin is a knightly or heroic champion, often characterized by a strong sense of duty and honor (In the fantasy novel, the paladin defended the kingdom from the invading forces).

✅ Both hero and paladin describe individuals known for their bravery and noble actions.

Hero is a broader term and can be used in various contexts, whereas paladin is more specific and often used in historical or fantasy settings (He was a hero to the local people after the natural disaster; The paladin swore an oath to protect the realm).

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steely is a synonym of icy

adjective [ stee-lee ]

steely is another word for icy

✅ An icy tone or manner is an unfriendly one that might leave you a little shaky (He replied to his friend with a mean, icy voice).

✅ A steely tone or manner is calculated and determined in a rigid sort of way (“This is how you will complete the task,” she said in a steely voice).

✅ Both words denote a coldness in someone’s voice or manner.

✅ Icy generally describes coldness in demeanor, whereas steely specifically refers to strength and determination with a clear dose of harshness (His tone was icy, making everyone uncomfortable; Their steely resolve impressed the rival team).

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