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accountable is a synonym of responsible

adjective [ uh-koun-tuh-buhl ]

accountable is another word for responsible

✅ Both responsible and accountable describe being obligated to take responsibility for your actions, or for something that happened while you were in charge, and answer for what happened (I was responsible for the whole department; The captain was held accountable for the failure of the mission).

✅ While they have a similar meaning, these words emphasize different elements. Responsible generally suggests being in charge of something (I was responsible for ordering the cakes).

Accountable often implies having to answer for something (She was accountable to the boss for the actions of her team).

Write about a time you were held accountable for someone else’s actions, with the help of Grammar Coach.

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posit is a synonym of suppose

verb [ poz-it ]

posit is another word for suppose

Suppose and posit can both mean to assume or suggest something to be true.

Suppose has a wider meaning, as it can mean to assume something is true in general or to assume something is true for a certain purpose (I suppose you’ll be too tired to go out tonight).

Posit is less common and has a meaning similar to hypothesize, and means assuming that something is true often to base an argument or theory on it (Some physicists have posited the existence of long-lived supermassive particles).

Posit something in an argument with the help of Grammar Coach.

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drained is a synonym of exhausted

adjective [ dreynd ]

drained is another word for exhausted

✅ Both exhausted and drained describe being extremely tired, and lacking energy (I was exhausted after a full day of classes; The argument left me feeling drained).

Exhausted centers the idea of being worn-out and having used all your reserves of energy (The preparations for the party left me exhausted).

Drained centers the idea of having faced constant demands on your energy, either physical or emotional, and now having nothing left (I felt drained after dealing with all those people).

If you’re not too drained, check out these synonyms!

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