✅ Meaningful and expressive both refer to conveying a thought or idea, especially by gestures or looks (meaningful look; expressive gesture).
✅ Expressive describes a look or gesture that clearly and vividly expresses a thought, idea, or opinion (His frown was expressive).
✅ Meaningful describes a look or gesture in which it is clear there is meaning to the parties involved, but an outside observer could only guess at that meaning (They shared a meaningful glance).
✅ Expressive implies that the meaning of the look or gesture is clear and easily understood. Meaningful implies that the meaning is only clear when the parties involved share a secret understanding.
Write a paragraph describing expressive gestures with the help of Grammar Coach.
✅ Certain and confident can both mean sure that something is true. Certain is the best word to use when you have specific reasons to believe something is true (Their presence makes me certain it will be OK).
✅ Confident is the best word to use when you want to emphasize the strength of your belief and expectation (I’m confident of his success).
✅ Certain and confident are often used interchangeably. However, certain can sometimes be a stronger word than confident because it implies your belief is based on more than a gut feeling (They’re certain she committed the crime).
✅ Being confident in something often means you’re sure it’s good enough, or sure it’ll do well (I’m confident in my students).
We’re certain you’ll love these synonyms for confident.
✅ Increase means to make or become greater in number, size, strength, or quality (Sales increased dramatically). Enlarge means to make or become larger in size, bulk, or range (You can enlarge the image).
✅ Increase and enlarge can both refer to the extent of something becoming greater (His sales region increased; They enlarged the scope of the study).
✅ Increase often implies a change in quantity, while enlarge often implies a change in size (The amount of clients increased; We enlarged the kitchen).
Increase your understanding with these synonyms for enlarge.