Synonym of the day

Synonym of the day


bashful is a synonym of shy

adjective [ bash-fuhl ]

bashful is another word for shy

The adjective bashful isn’t one for the spotlight, but it’s the center of attention today! Bashful is an adjective that means “uncomfortably diffident and easily embarrassed.” This timid term suggests trepidation and awkward behavior when brought into prominence or notice. However, sometimes bashful suggests modesty and sensitivity more than fear or self-doubt.

Commonly found as

bashful about
Noticing my hesitation in the lobby, the concierge smiled and said, "Don't be bashful about coming in!"
bashful smile
After the interview, the author met the reporter's praise for his new book with a bashful smile.

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nonchalant is a synonym of casual

adjective [ non-shuh-lahnt, non-shuh-lahnt, -luhnt ]

nonchalant is another word for casual

The adjective nonchalant is used to describe someone who behaves in a coolly unconcerned manner or exudes a calm, casual air. If a person is feeling nervous or uncertain but wants to give an impression of confidence—as, for example, during a job interview or on a first date—they might try to appear nonchalant. But a nonchalant attitude in the face of serious matters or perilous circumstances can be received as chilly indifference.

Commonly found as

nonchalant attitude
The economist's nonchalant attitude was alarming given the severity of the problem he was describing.
appear nonchalant
The performer had never been more nervous for an audition, but he tried to appear nonchalant in his introduction.

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inquisitive is a synonym of curious

adjective [ in-kwiz-i-tiv ]

inquisitive is another word for curious

Someone who is inquisitive asks a lot of questions. An inquisitive nature in many cases reflects intellectual curiosity—a generally desirable trait! However, inquisitive is sometimes used to suggest a degree of intrusiveness and inappropriateness. That said, be careful not to confuse inquisitive with inquisitorial, which, in pointing to inquisitions and inquisitors, calls to mind excessive cruelty.

Commonly found as

inquisitive mind
The young lab assistant had a lot of energy and an inquisitive mind; she was ready to tackle any new experiment.
naturally inquisitive
Children are naturally inquisitive, constantly asking about things in their environment.

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