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disparate is a synonym of different

adjective [ dis-per-it, dih-spar- ]

disparate is another word for different

Usually when we use the word different, we are describing something that is unlike something else. The word disparate conveys that, too, but the distinction is more pronounced. Items, attitudes, or systems that are disparate are so dissimilar or incongruous that they are difficult to compare, and may indeed seem incompatible. Despite this word's prickly disposition, disparate is often found in discussions of efforts to bring things together or find common ground.

Commonly found as

disparate groups, disparate elements
The initiative found support among wildly disparate groups of people.
bring disparate, unite disparate
The mayor hoped to unite all the disparate views of the community members into a coherent plan for the town.

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prodigious is a synonym of amazing

adjective [ pruh-dij-uhs ]

prodigious is another word for amazing

Isn't it amazing how easy it is to overuse the word amazing? Prodigious is a more specific descriptor. Like amazing, prodigious conveys a sense of wonder, but it is used to comment on the size, amount, extent, or degree of what is being described. Items described as prodigious are extraordinary by one of these measures, as a musician with prodigious talent, a research grant of a prodigious amount, or a career notable for its prodigious output.

Commonly found as

prodigious talent, prodigious amount
The violinist's prodigious talent was on full display at the summer concert.
produce a prodigious, produce prodigious
The experiment produced a prodigious amount of data.

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exquisite is a synonym of beautiful

adjective [ ik-skwiz-it, ek-skwi-zit ]

exquisite is another word for beautiful

The adjective beautiful means "having beauty; delighting the senses," but on its own, it doesn't specify much beyond that. To call something exquisite, on the other hand, is to highlight a degree of rarity, and to suggest delicate or intricate qualities. The word exquisite comes from the Latin adjective exquīsītus meaning "meticulous, chosen with care." Indeed, items that are likely to be called exquisite, such as a fine wine, an impressive painting, a quality piece of furniture, or a piece of fine jewelry, are meticulously crafted.

Commonly found as

exquisite detail
The art dealer showed some still-life paintings that had been composed with exquisite detail.
most exquisite
At the local French restaurant known for its fine cuisine, we tried the most exquisite red wine.

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