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immoderately is a synonym of extremely

adverb [ ih-mod-er-it-lee ]

immoderately is another word for extremely

Extremely means to a very high degree, beyond the usual or expected (The weather was extremely hot this summer).

Immoderately refers to something that is done with a lack of restraint or self-control, often excessively (We ate immoderately at the buffet, piling our plates with food).

✅ Both words describe something done in excess or beyond the norm.

Extremely is a more common term for describing intensity, while immoderately implies lack of control or excess (The extremely fast runner broke the record; Over the holidays, I ate immoderately which gave me a stomachache).

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courteous is a synonym of polite

adjective [ kur-tee-uhs ]

courteous is another word for polite

Polite means showing good manners and respect for others (She gave a polite smile to the stranger).

Courteous refers to being especially considerate and respectful in one's behavior (The waiter was very courteous and attentive).

✅ Both words describe behavior that is respectful and well-mannered.

Polite can be used in everyday social situations, while courteous often carries a more formal tone, suggesting a higher level of attentiveness (Their new neighbor was polite at the dinner party; The hotel staff was courteous to all their guests).

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vacillation is a synonym of indecision

noun [ vas-uh-ley-shuhn ]

vacillation is another word for indecision

Indecision refers to the inability to make a decision or commit to a course of action (Her indecision about where to go for dinner was frustrating).

Vacillation refers to wavering between different options or opinions (His vacillation between job offers made him miss both opportunities).

✅ Both words describe hesitation in making a decision.

Indecision is more about being stuck in uncertainty, while vacillation suggests constantly going back and forth between choices (His indecision cost him the last available concert ticket; My vacillation annoyed everyone waiting for an answer).

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