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forlorn is a synonym of unhappy

adjective [ fawr-lawrn ]

forlorn is another word for unhappy

Unhappy means feeling or showing sadness or dissatisfaction (She was unhappy with the decision made by her boss). 

Forlorn describes a state of being pitifully sad, abandoned, or lonely (The forlorn puppy waited by the door for its owner). 

✅ Both words describe a state of sadness. 

Unhappy is a general term for feeling sad or displeased, while forlorn conveys a deeper sense of abandonment and hopelessness (He was unhappy about the outcome of the game; She looked forlorn as she watched the train leave without her).

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rhapsody is a synonym of delight

noun [ rap-suh-dee ]

rhapsody is another word for delight

Delight refers to a feeling of great pleasure or happiness (The children’s laughter was a delight to hear). 

Rhapsody describes an expression of ecstatic joy or enthusiasm, often in a creative or artistic context (Her performance was a rhapsody of movement and emotion). 

✅ Both words express a sense of joy and pleasure. 

Delight is commonly used to describe everyday pleasures, while rhapsody often refers to a heightened, almost artistic expression of joy (The meal was a delight to the senses; The symphony was a rhapsody that captivated the audience).

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wield is a synonym of wave

verb [ weeld ]

wield is another word for wave

✅ To wave means to move something back and forth or up and down (She waved the flag to signal the start of the race). 

✅ To wield refers to holding and using a tool or a weapon, usually in a competent manner (He wielded the stick to ward off the barking dogs). 

✅ Both words involve a movement or motion of things.

Wave involves moving an object back and forth or side to side, often in a sweeping motion, as in waving a flag or hand. Wield, on the other hand, means to handle or use an object with skill or control, such as wielding a sword or a tool.

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