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wield is a synonym of wave

verb [ weeld ]

wield is another word for wave

✅ To wave means to move something back and forth or up and down (She waved the flag to signal the start of the race). 

✅ To wield refers to holding and using a tool or a weapon, usually in a competent manner (He wielded the stick to ward off the barking dogs). 

✅ Both words involve a movement or motion of things.

Wave involves moving an object back and forth or side to side, often in a sweeping motion, as in waving a flag or hand. Wield, on the other hand, means to handle or use an object with skill or control, such as wielding a sword or a tool.

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fallible is a synonym of imperfect

adjective [ fal-uh-buhl ]

fallible is another word for imperfect

Imperfect means not perfect or complete, having flaws or defects (The painting was beautiful, but the artist felt it was imperfect). 

Fallible refers to the capability of making mistakes or being wrong (Even the best experts are fallible). 

✅ Both words acknowledge a lack of excellence or flawlessness. 

Imperfect often describes objects or processes with minor flaws, while fallible is used to describe the human capacity for error (The model was imperfect in its design; As a leader, he understood he was fallible and open to feedback).

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reverie is a synonym of daydream

noun [ rev-uh-ree ]

reverie is another word for daydream

✅ A daydream refers to a series of pleasant thoughts that distract one’s attention from the present (She spent the afternoon lost in a daydream about her upcoming vacation). 

✅ A reverie is a state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts or daydreams, often involving imaginative or reflective thinking (He was startled out of his reverie by the phone ringing). 

✅ Both words describe a state of being absorbed in pleasant thoughts. 

Daydream is used more casually for drifting thoughts, while reverie often implies a deeper, more meditative or romantic state of mind (He often daydreamed during boring lectures; The music took her into a reverie of past memories).

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