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superficial is a synonym of shallow

adjective [ soo-per-fish-uhl ]

superficial is another word for shallow

Shallow means lacking depth, either literally or figuratively (The water was too shallow for diving). 

Superficial means existing or occurring on the surface or lacking depth in terms of insight or substance (Your analysis of the issue was superficial and didn't address the core problems). 

✅ Both words describe a lack of depth or complexity. 

Shallow is often used for physical depth or casual topics, while superficial can also refer to lack of depth in understanding or emotional connection (The shallow pond was perfect for wading; His understanding of the subject remained superficial despite the lectures).

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zenith is a synonym of peak

noun [ zee-nith ]

zenith is another word for peak

Peak refers to the highest point or summit of something (We reached the peak of the mountain after a long climb). 

Zenith denotes the highest point, often in a figurative sense, like the peak of success or influence (At its zenith, the empire controlled vast territories). Zenith also refers to the highest point in an arc traveled by a planet, star, or other celestial body (At midnight, the constellation Orion reached its zenith, directly overhead in the clear night sky).

✅ Both terms describe the highest point of something. 

Peak is commonly used for physical heights or achievements, while zenith is often used in astronomy and for abstract concepts or positions of power (The peak of the roller coaster was thrilling; The company reached its zenith during the tech boom; During the solar eclipse, we lay on the grass, watching the moon slowly move toward its zenith).

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insolently is a synonym of rudely

adverb [ in-suh-luhnt-lee ]

insolently is another word for rudely

✅ To act rudely means to be disrespectful and impolite (The chair of the department rudely interrupted the guest speaker).

✅ To act insolently is to display a lack of respect in a bold or arrogant way (The student scowled at the teacher insolently when reprimanded).

✅ Both words describe behavior that lacks good manners.

✅ If someone is acting rudely toward you, they might not say “hello” when you’re first introduced. But if the same person is acting insolently at your first meeting, then they might give you dirty looks, put their nose up in the air, and ignore you altogether.

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