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rickety is a synonym of shaky

adjective [ rik-i-tee ]

rickety is another word for shaky

Shaky means unsteady or trembling, often due to weakness or instability (His hands were shaky after the intense workout).

Rickety means poorly made and likely to collapse or break (The old ladder looked rickety and unsafe to climb).

✅ Both words describe a lack of stability.

Shaky can refer to both physical movements and emotional states, whereas rickety is usually used for objects (She felt shaky before her speech; The rickety chair creaked under his weight).

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haphazardly is a synonym of carelessly

adverb [ hap-haz-erd-lee ]

haphazardly is another word for carelessly

Carelessly means doing something without attention or thought (He carelessly left the door unlocked all night).

Haphazardly means doing something in a random or disorganized way, often leading to confusion or disorder (The files were haphazardly piled on the desk).

✅ Both words describe actions done without proper care.

Carelessly implies a lack of attention to detail or safety, while haphazardly suggests randomness and lack of organization (She carelessly spilled the coffee; The decorations were haphazardly thrown together).

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torment is a synonym of bother

verb [ tawr-ment ]

torment is another word for bother

Bother means to disturb or annoy someone, causing them slight trouble or inconvenience (My little brother likes to bother me when I’m studying).

Torment means to cause severe and persistent pain or distress to someone, either physically or emotionally (The villain tormented the hero with cruel tricks).

✅ These terms both describe causing distress or discomfort.

Bother is usually milder and more about annoyance, while torment implies a much more intense and prolonged suffering (The buzzing fly was bothering me; The constant bullying tormented him for years).

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