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embrace is a synonym of hug

verb [ em-breys ]

embrace is another word for hug

✅ To hug means to hold someone close and tight to your chest (I make sure to hug my friends once a day).

Embrace means to take someone in your arms and hug them close (They embraced after a long time apart).

✅ Both of these words refer to the same kind of affectionate gesture.

✅ However, embrace can also be more figurative, meaning to accept something willingly, while hug does not.

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solitary is a synonym of lonely

adjective [ sol-i-ter-ee ]

solitary is another word for lonely

Lonely describes someone who is alone and doesn’t have a companion with them. It can also describe someone who feels sad or depressed due to a lack of companionship (a lonely tree on the hillside; a lonely traveler).

Solitary describes a person who is on their own, without companions. It can also describe someone who lives alone or lacks company (She liked her solitary walks on the beach).

✅ Both of these terms describe people on their own.

Lonely often suggests negative feelings, whereas solitary is more neutral.

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cover is a synonym of coat

verb [ kuhv-er ]

cover is another word for coat

Coat means to extend something over or to put something all over the surface of something else (The cabinet was coated in a thick layer of paint).

Cover means to extend or spread over something (Sawdust covered the floor).

Coat and cover both mean to extend over something.

Coat can often suggest a liquid or spreadable substance (Somehow the dog was coated in strawberry jelly).

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