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verse is a synonym of poetry

noun [ vurs ]

verse is another word for poetry

Poetry is a form of writing that follows a particular rhythmic or metrical form (a book of poetry).

Verse is writing that follows a metrical form and can refer to a whole poem or part of a poem (I could only remember some scraps of verse).

✅ Both poetry and verse can refer to a piece of metrical writing, whether it rhymes or not.

✅ However, verse can sometimes be used to suggest that a piece of poetry has no artistic merit, and sometimes a piece of poetry might not involve metrical forms and so wouldn’t be called verse (trite verse; a statement that was like poetry).

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inevitable is a synonym of inescapable

adjective [ in-ev-i-tuh-buhl ]

inevitable is another word for inescapable

Inescapable describes something that can’t be escaped or avoided (an inescapable consequence).

Inevitable describes something that is certain to happen and so can’t be avoided (When you see the puppy frolic, joy is inevitable).

✅ Both of these terms refer to things that you can’t get away from because they’re sure to happen.

Inescapable is used to refer to unavoidable things, whereas inevitable refers to unavoidable events (My feelings were inescapable; An argument was inevitable).

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careless is a synonym of wasteful

adjective [ kair-lis ]

careless is another word for wasteful

Wasteful describes something that is done in a way that causes waste, particularly of money, time, or materials (wasteful manufacturing methods).

Careless describes something that is done without paying proper attention or taking care (a careless approach to chores).

Careless and wasteful don’t mean exactly the same thing, but something done in a careless way often wastes resources or time (She was wasteful because she was careless about what groceries she purchased).

Wasteful also often suggests that if you were more careful, you might waste less (He was careless and had to buy a new sweater after shrinking the first one, which was wasteful).

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