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careless is a synonym of wasteful

adjective [ kair-lis ]

careless is another word for wasteful

Wasteful describes something that is done in a way that causes waste, particularly of money, time, or materials (wasteful manufacturing methods).

Careless describes something that is done without paying proper attention or taking care (a careless approach to chores).

Careless and wasteful don’t mean exactly the same thing, but something done in a careless way often wastes resources or time (She was wasteful because she was careless about what groceries she purchased).

Wasteful also often suggests that if you were more careful, you might waste less (He was careless and had to buy a new sweater after shrinking the first one, which was wasteful).

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purview is a synonym of scope

noun [ pur-vyoo ]

purview is another word for scope

Scope refers to the extent or range of something (It was outside the scope of my responsibilities).

Purview refers to the range of someone’s authority or control (These kinds of complaints are within my colleague’s purview).

✅ Both of these terms refer to the range of someone’s control, influence, or authority.

Scope is used more widely than purview (The scope of the documentary was limited; Plant care is my purview).

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bibliophile is a synonym of bookworm

noun [ bib-lee-uh-fahyl ]

bibliophile is another word for bookworm

✅ A bookworm is a person who is often reading or studying, especially someone who loves and enjoys books (I take a book with me everywhere, I’m such a bookworm).

✅ A bibliophile is a person who loves books, particularly a person who collects books (As a bibliophile, I like to find as many editions of my favorite books as I can).

Bookworm and bibliophile both refer to people who love books and reading.

Bookworm is a more informal word and can describe someone who loves or spends a lot of time studying rather than a person who reads for pleasure.

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