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assert is a synonym of voice

verb [ uh-surt ]

assert is another word for voice

Voice means to express something in words (I voiced my concerns to my boss).

Assert means to state something with confidence (I asserted my boundaries).

Voice and assert both mean to express something and make something clear in words.

Assert suggests confidence and power, whereas voice emphasizes expressing something, especially something that has been hidden or forgotten (She voiced what we all had been thinking).

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impersonate is a synonym of imitate

verb [ verb im-pur-suh-neyt ]

impersonate is another word for imitate

Imitate means to copy or mimic (I built my confidence by imitating people I admire).

Impersonate means to copy someone’s mannerisms in order to be entertaining (The comedian impersonated a politician).

Imitate and impersonate both mean to copy someone and act like them.

✅ While impersonate can mean to mimic someone for fun, it can also mean to pretend to be someone in order to mislead or commit a crime (The fraudster impersonated her aunt).

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fortune is a synonym of mint

noun [ fawr-chuhn ]

fortune is another word for mint

Mint refers to a particularly large amount of money (I made a mint selling that watch).

Fortune refers to a lot of money, but can also refer to wealth that comes in other forms like property (The coat cost a fortune).

Mint and fortune both refer to a large amount of money, especially an amount that allows you to be called rich or wealthy (She made a fortune writing hit songs).

Mint is a more informal term than fortune.

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