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eerie is a synonym of haunting

adjective [ eer-ee ]

eerie is another word for haunting

Haunting describes something that lingers, especially something that isn’t easily forgotten (Haunting music came from behind the locked door).

Eerie describes something uncanny which causes you to feel inexplicable fear, or a fear of the supernatural (The house on the corner gave me an eerie feeling).

Haunting can be used to describe mundane things that become persistent. However, it often suggests some element of the supernatural.

Eerie describes something that has a strong element of weirdness or something that suggests supernatural happenings—like entries to our Haunting Hooks contest.

Our Haunting Hooks writing contest is back… with guest judge R.L Stine! Enter now.

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sorrel is a synonym of sepia

adjective [ sor-uhl ]

sorrel is another word for sepia

Sepia is a brown pigment and describes things that are grayish brown or olive brown (The low light made the trees look almost sepia).

Sorrel describes things that are a light reddish brown (A sorrel sweater is the perfect choice for this season).

✅ While both sepia and sorrel describe brown tones, sepia generally suggests cooler browns, whereas sorrel suggests a warmer brown.

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titian is a synonym of russet

adjective [ tish-uhn ]

titian is another word for russet

Russet describes something that is one of a range of brown-toned, autumnal colors, including yellowish and reddish browns and light browns that are neither red nor yellow (Russet leaves covered the street).

Titian describes things that are a reddish or golden brown (She had flowing titian hair).

✅ While russet derives from an old French word related to “red,” titian is named after an Italian painter who often painted red-haired women. Describing something as titian suggests a warm, romantic, glowing tone, as the paintings of Titian exude.

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