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piquant is a synonym of zesty

adjective [ pee-kuhnt, -kahnt, pee-kahnt ]

piquant is another word for zesty

Zesty describes something with a pleasantly sharp or tart flavor (a zesty spaghetti sauce).

Piquant describes something with a pleasantly pungent, sharp, or spicy flavor (the piquant flavor of capers).

Zesty and piquant can be used more generally to suggest liveliness or interest (Their conversation at the dinner party was zesty; She made a piquant comment).

Zesty is a more common and less formal word than piquant.

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blossom is a synonym of prosper

verb [ blos-uhm ]

blossom is another word for prosper

Prosper means to be successful or fortunate, especially (though not exclusively) in a financial sense (I’m glad to hear you and your family are prospering).

Blossom means to flourish or develop, especially in a way that suggests flowering or coming into your own (He blossomed in his new workplace).

Prosper and blossom both mean to do well (You’ll blossom once you find your true friends; I’ve prospered this year).

Prosper implies being successful or fortunate in a material sense, whether in regard to your finances, your health, or similar. Blossom can be used to refer to flourishing in a material sense but can also suggest flourishing with regard to your self-esteem or your sense of yourself.

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paternal is a synonym of fatherly

adjective [ puh-tur-nl ]

paternal is another word for fatherly

Fatherly describes something that is like or befitting a parental figure (They often spoke in a fatherly tone).

Paternal describes something characteristic of a kind or protective person (a paternal pat on the shoulder).

Fatherly and paternal have very similar meanings. Generally, both words are used in a positive way to suggest care, love, and protection.

✅ However, being the more formal of the two, paternal can sometimes be used to suggest condescension (The bank manager offered unsolicited paternal advice) or more simply to express a relationship (He was my paternal grandfather).

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