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limelight is a synonym of public eye

noun [ lahym-lahyt ]

limelight is another word for public eye

✅ Someone who is in the public eye is subject to public attention, especially attention by the media (The politician has been in the public eye for years).

✅ Being in the limelight means being in the center of public attention and interest, especially by having fame or notoriety (The actor is a private person, uncomfortable with the limelight).

✅ Someone who is in the limelight is often implied to be there more so by choice, or to enjoy being in the limelight (They soaked up their time in the limelight).

✅ Someone who is in the public eye is generally in that position due to being associated with something newsworthy (After winning the race, she was in the public eye).

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mull is a synonym of ponder

verb [ muhl ]

mull is another word for ponder

Ponder means to consider something in a deep and thorough way (I sat and pondered what would happen if I didn’t pass the test).

Mull means to study or think about something seriously (I’ll mull over your suggestions).

Ponder and mull have very similar meanings; however, mull is a less formal word than ponder (He’s still mulling over the possible menu for the party; Let us all ponder the importance of the honeybee).

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cavalier is a synonym of offhand

adjective [ kav-uh-leer ]

cavalier is another word for offhand

Offhand describes a way of doing something that is careless and often brusque, rude, or ungracious (He had an offhand way of speaking to his employees).

Cavalier describes doing something in an overly informal way (She had a cavalier attitude towards the host).

Offhand and cavalier both describe a manner of doing something that doesn’t match expectations of care, grace, or formality.

Offhand emphasizes a lack of grace or thought, whereas cavalier emphasizes a lack of ceremony, formality, and sometimes respect (I don’t trust him because he has a cavalier approach to other people’s belongings; Her suggested solutions seem offhand at first, but she doesn’t mean to be rude).

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