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cavalier is a synonym of offhand

adjective [ kav-uh-leer ]

cavalier is another word for offhand

Offhand describes a way of doing something that is careless and often brusque, rude, or ungracious (He had an offhand way of speaking to his employees).

Cavalier describes doing something in an overly informal way (She had a cavalier attitude towards the host).

Offhand and cavalier both describe a manner of doing something that doesn’t match expectations of care, grace, or formality.

Offhand emphasizes a lack of grace or thought, whereas cavalier emphasizes a lack of ceremony, formality, and sometimes respect (I don’t trust him because he has a cavalier approach to other people’s belongings; Her suggested solutions seem offhand at first, but she doesn’t mean to be rude).

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apportion is a synonym of allocate

verb [ uh-pawr-shuhn ]

apportion is another word for allocate

Allocate means to set something aside for a particular purpose (I allocated funds for the birthday party).

Apportion means to distribute something in relative portions (I apportioned the prize money among all five winners).

Allocate and apportion express related ideas. Allocate means to set something apart or aside for later use or for a specific purpose (Everyone has been allocated a seat).

Apportion means allocating something in a proportionate way (Each group has been apportioned some seats based on their number).

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paladin is a synonym of knight

noun [ pal-uh-din ]

paladin is another word for knight

✅ A knight is a person of high military rank who is supposed to behave in a chivalrous way (The knight bowed to the king).

✅ A paladin is a knightly or heroic champion for a person or cause (a paladin of the environment).

✅ Historically, in medieval Europe, a knight was a man of aristocratic birth who achieved the rank of knight after an apprenticeship as a page and squire.

✅ Historically, paladin refers specifically to any one of the twelve knights of Charlemagne. However, paladin can also refer to a passionate defender of another person or cause.

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