

Definition for wrong

adjective as in inappropriate, not suitable

adjective as in reverse, opposite

Strong matches

back, inside, inverse, obverse

adverb as in astray

verb as in hurt, mistreat another

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Wharton School professor Adam Grant has spent a lot of time studying what’s wrong with job interviews.

From Quartz

It was generated by researchers to illustrate what can go wrong when you try to classify people as responders or non-responders based on a single set of measurements.

Rather, the history of science is full of mistakes and wrong turns.

Hemmerling emailed the person back saying she had been ticketed under the wrong code section and would not have to pay or go to court.

Most of us, most of the time, think and act as though there are facts about good and bad, right and wrong.

But Cosby Truthers are applying their principles to the wrong cause.

Andy Serkis, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Do you want to be on the wrong side of history, Academy?

Yes, publicizing tragedy gets clicks, gets ad revenue, gets notoriety, and can be done for all the wrong reasons.

Too bad director Ava DuVernay gets the history wrong in Selma.

The only great thing he did as governor was to insist that the death penalty was just wrong.

He asked what time was usually spent in determining between right and wrong, and what degree of expense?

To see a part of my scheme, from which I had hoped so much, go wrong before my eyes is maddening!

So far as the right or wrong of having contraband whisky was concerned, I don't think any one gave it a second thought.

Strange to say, the silken cord yielded to the first pull, as if nothing had been wrong with it at all!

Of Liszt the first part of this is not true, for if he strikes a wrong note it is simply because he chooses to be careless.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


