


Definition for social
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Clubhouse did not respond to a request for comment on if or how the app does this, but it’s something to consider before you connect your social media accounts.

From Vox

There’s so much social support at school that is not necessarily accessible.

Since being a working parent of young kids, though, I find I just absolutely cannot stand social events where I'm going to have to spend precious minutes asking questions of strangers about their work and what shows they're watching or whatever.

The young owner apparently wanted to show off his famous head coach, asking him to attend more social events and to join him for dinner at Washington’s power eateries.

Many of these developers are working on social problems on their own time, using open-source software that they can share globally.

He finished second in 2008 behind John McCain, and maintains a reservoir of good will among Republican social conservatives.

Where the force generating those threats is a widespread, self-sustaining, and virulent social movement?

The TVA, a federally owned and chartered electric power provider, is a New Deal legacy just like Social Security.

Social media forces us to not only be vulnerable for our partner but for the whole world.

One blames black Americans as a race; the other, racism as a social structure.

All over the world the just claims of organized labor are intermingled with the underground conspiracy of social revolution.

To others the fierce desire for social justice obliterates all fear of a general catastrophe.

And our views of poverty and social betterment, or what is possible and what is not, are still largely conditioned by it.

Our social life is aimless without it, we are a crowd without a common understanding.

And an educational movement is more tenacious than any other sort of social or political movement whatever.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


