

Definition for realization

noun as in comprehension

noun as in achievement

noun as in coming to understand

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After this realization, people start walking with a little skip.

From Salon

It’s the realization that, one month after the crisis, “life has gone on for most people,” said Galilee, who lived with her wife in the Tahitian Terrace mobile home park in Pacific Palisades.

The two women wept together over the realization that it was almost certainly the last time they would see one another, given their mounting health issues, Winesburg said.

Maybe we understand that before she does since this homecoming tale starts with Harry processing the realization that the child he believed to be his son was, in fact, always his daughter.

From Salon

That head-down insularity began to change with the realization that issues such as taxes, tariffs, foreign trade and legal liability mattered a great deal to high-tech’s prosperity and long-term future.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


