marvel at
verb as in admire
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Example Sentences
Kielty said for many Irish people, whether they live in Ireland or abroad, they all gather around to watch the show with family and friends and marvel at songs, seasonal cheer and a special guest appearance or two.
To marvel at my 30th anniversary X-Men Hologram Set — which is still miraculously sealed!
Visit laid-back mansions or an icon’s personal gallery, or marvel at the region’s natural landscapes and glamorous history.
"All my friends, all of our family marvel at him," says the daughter-in-law of 105-year-old war hero Tony Johnson.
Daughter-in-law Sandra Johnson, 60, said: "All my friends, all of our family marvel at him because when he was 100 we were amazed at how agile and adept he is at everything including finances... he just keeps going on and on."
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.